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The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's critical health protection work.
MedShare’s mission is to improve the quality of life for people and the planet. MedShare is dedicated to improving healthcare and the environment through the efficient recovery and redistribution of the surplus of medical supplies and equipment to those most in need.
Direct Relief is nongovernmental, nonsectarian, and not-for-profit, Direct Relief provides assistance to people and communities without regard to politics, religion, ethnic identities or ability to pay.
(Organization, name, city, EIN)

Donations can only be directed to Public, 501(c)(3) charities. Donations cannot be made to charities in which you, or your medical practice, have a financial interest. Additional restrictions apply.

Participating healthcare professionals receive recognition from the selected charity for the donation. However, you do not receive any money or any other material benefits. You also may not take a tax deduction.